My favorite part is he thinks others need to post to justify him posting when in fact everyone who does that gets nowhere.
Who gives a shit what others have or haven’t posted if you have something why are you being a little bitch instead of throwing out who you have to contribute? The guy who had Chelsea even said if you post yours he’d give it to you and he did… stop acting like a high and mighty dbag not to mention dropping the N bomb when you’re from saline good lord(USER BANNED)
First of all I ain’t from saline. Just fucked all your stupid hoes. So fuckkkkk you nigga hahah. Second I’m the one who posted every pic in this thread besides 3 of them you fucking retard. Keep begging for shut when you ain’t got nothing to post(USER BANNED)
Lol I can count more than 3 that I myself have posted. Apparently you are a straight nigger acting all high and mighty over a few nudes. I’ve got plenty to post but you acting like a hoodrat isn’t going to get them. Plus I’m not even convinced you have any more. You have already listed what you apparently have and whatever may be left is nothing special ♂️ come talk to me when you’re not a delusional cuck(USER BANNED)
Youre both degenerate monkeys and should do the world a favor. Delete your genes from the pool. Thanks in advance.(USER BANNED)
Thread locked as no nudes being posted you all r just bitchin like a bunch of retards