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that is a lot of sluts exposing it all check out if she was once a slut or still a slut? 😉



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Fall river Anonymous 04/08/2023 (Sat) 16:17:48 No. 4181
Fall river girls
Brittany S.
Any B@iley V!centë or S@r@h Ëddy?
Herd @spunky1515 on OF was from the River anyone else follow her and confirm.
Any Cassie C? Rhymes with Osta.
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anyone got more of her harley
Any Becca $alvagg1?
Any rach siscoe?
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Looking for ashl3y nic0le trampfans name someone be a hero
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4925 who's that?
Alexis Fleming from burrilville Rhode island, trying to spread the slut all over
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Who got Jenn Y wins
Who got any of the St James crew?
Any new heather c@bral wins
Any heather c@bral old or new?
Anyone have Kyl!e M0n!z
Anyone have the whiskifox trampfans videos she used to send?
Any tayla D@vis?
Let’s c some of the st James crew.
Ciara sullvn
Trying to get me some bethany silva
Any amanda c
This is my ex Sam m0n!z. She takes a pounding clearly as she was caught in my bed with 3 dudes. Here’s her trampfans where she sells her content. @Spunky1515 enjoy fellas as I’m done with her.
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Any have Kayla?
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@shley P@ulin0 wins? 1 of fall rivers biggest sluts
@****86 does she do meet ups. Or sell content.
Where’s the vid of Teyla fucking and giving head to some black guy
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@6554 I’ll post vid for chelsea c wins
Which teyla you got?
Anyone have pics of Darrian S.?
Teyla Sirois ?
Post her sucking then
I’ll drop wins if someone post a legit video of teyla suckin and fuckin I got a buncha of chelsea
Anymore Fall River sluts there’s gotta be more that city got plenty of hoes
Bring your lists no games

I have Tehya sucking that dude dick video tried to post it wouldn’t let me says file can’t be read
T@tiana bel.tre those tits have to be out there
Rebecca $alvagg1?
Screen shot the Tehya video
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Sharing this fall river slut
No has Becka Salv
Shyanne parsons
Nobody wants fake wins get lost
How you figure they fake you seen them before didn’t think so dumbass ain’t shit fake over here
Those are 110% fake my dude. Nice try but it's 2023 we know a photoshop job when we see one
If you say so bro post some shit n stop bitching ain’t shit fake
>>7634 I can literally see the bikini line on yamila and the deformed left tit on shyanne LOL
LOL shit
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Wow you must be one special idiot, you really was arguing that they were real lmfao smh what a clown
Na I’m just bored n I like fucking with you horny bastards on here ol desperate asses the yamila fake tho not gonna lie I found that shit on another site the other one is actually real her titty just lop sided
Well you got some shit to show us horn dog so post it who gives a fuck I’m on here to fuck with ppl
No your just dumber then a left handed baseball bat lmfao both those pics are fake as fuck what other site did you find that on?
Idk forgot the name but idc bro I’m not the one on here looking for nudes desperate ass you can’t get pussy or something gotta come on here n take photos to wack off huh carry on loser your the only mad about it 😂
But you got real ones of her post em up or you gonna be little bitch about it n still complain boohoo cry baby ass
You take bikini pics off Facebook and Photoshop them to look naked and I'm the desperate one? Thanks I needed that laugh, your the loser man
Ain't really fucking with anyone if noone falls for it. Ur the one saving fake edited photos. Anyone here is desperate it's you buddy
Melinda aggs anyone? Fucked her outside Doyles for a bump of coke
We really resorting to fakes. This group is weak.
This shit always been weak
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Anyone know her
>>7320 drop anon sc’s i’ll trade for pics of them
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Videos not all that tbh
Who that? Still have of?
Shit is trash ppl posting fakes n shit I know that slut Shyanne I thought someone posted something real of her besides y’all post nothing but ugly hoes where the hood shit at
This is what happens when nobody wants to post what they have and just come on here beg for other girls they cant get. Maybe if they just posted what they had everyone would do the same but this thread is trash smh crazy because there is a lot of sluts in this city that definitely send wins so I know they are out there
Facts you right ppl need to stop being corny n just post what they got Fall River is definitely full of sluts no one got shit ? At all
Find that hard to believe real talk
Got so many vids of her gettin face fucked and smashed into oblivion by that bald tatted dude she fucks when she’s not fuckin everyone else.
Dudes a bitch and a homo he wouldn’t share them Videos he’s married
>>7815 Don’t know about him I just have vids from her slutfans
I got a video of Meg and Tehya taking turns on me
I had her slutfans but didn’t have shit on it ..if you got something post it
I’ll drop major Fall River wins if someone posts megan champlain slutfans
>>7839 share then!!!
Share then
>>7839 >>7814 Yes please
>>7904 Vurigogogoty
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I got Aly K Swansea if anyone got any good Swansea/Somerset that's not repetivly posted
Can someone reshare wins of the queen of fall river slutbags s@m m0re-is-on again??
>>8025 Who that?
Can already tell she’s an ugly pig who can’t be trusted. Tattoos looks like he’s already 10 years older then her paying child support and alimony to some fat chick
>>8073 Who's that?
Anyone have Mindy from fall river?
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Someone has to have them
She’s a fun time
Let’s hear the stories
>>8170 Have any pics or stories?
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Amanda B works at grid and the cove…pussy was beat but very easy to get
I got meg Tex wins like crazy. Videos that won’t fit here. Name your way of getting them cuz I’m on a mission to let ‘em loose
>>8164 who the fuck would want wins of Melinda? She’s got a body of an alcoholic, belly protrudes past her fake tits. She’s fuckin gross lmao
You definitely know her lmao …post a pic of Meg
Aww did Melinda break your heart?
Break my heart? Bitch fucks for coke her man is crazy for staying with her
Melinda is the carbon copy of the rest. Drunk red faced slut who elm blows lines and fucks. Meg is one of the worst. A little drink and a line and you can take her home … teyha is too but I dunno who would wanna fuck that fuckin Rollie pollie… she’s gained like 40 lbs in a year and she was fat to begin with😂 the whole crew are literally bar flies that run through dick.
That’s absolutely true. And what’s funny is meg is terrible at giving head.
That’s all females, but that bar crew ain’t giving you pussy so you big mad talking on them. They all sluts
>>8297 I’m not big mad. Teyha is fat as fuck. Jen, I have nothing bad to say about. Kiara is just a bitch. And I’ve fucked meg 6 ways from Sunday… so you capping lol. I just find it weird that such a group of girls that are so repulsive get laid so much. That’s why they think they the shit, because they get used lmao
So meg broke your heart and the rest gave you no pussy
Who would even want pussy from a fat slob a coke head and a girl with a 12 year old boys body lmao
Who would want a small dick clown? Nobody and that’s why you on this desperate site looking for what You can’t get
Are you the fat one the little boy or the coke junkie??
I’m the one with the cock in their mouths while you jacking off crying thinking of them
>>8331 show your face Batman <3
>>8310 I saw Shaun petty sucking someone’s dick in Taunton it was disgusting
>>8334 He also sexts MAD dudes …
Aweee look. The crew caught on to people talkin about them here and they’re trying so hard to be tough. Gotta talk shit because everyone knows what utter garbage you people are. Yet won’t talk shit to my face. That whole crew are a buncha fuckin cum dumpsters. And they proud of it. Yet can’t take it when the entire city knows what human excrement they are. Stay mad hoes haha
Tough guy ? But you’re on here saying girls won’t say it to your face. Okayyy you’re real tough, but you’re home on a Friday night while everyone’s getting fucked and sucked
>>8353 Awww you mad?? Maybe you shouldn’t be so … what’s the word I want… “Petty” about this whole thing. You wanna talk about girls who would never give you the time of day… my dude … you are the epitome of trash. :) Byeeeeee
>>8334 >>8334 >>8363 I was talkin about whoever said I suck dick. Lol y’all are anonymous and y’all talk shit. You know who I am. Cowards all of you. If any dudes on here had a spine you’d speak thenfuck up in front of me, but y’all know what the deal is so keep trolling on an anonymous website acting hard.. save yourself the broken jaw
>>8310 Ok so why you following them the city and getting the police called on 3x in 1 night while your wife kids are @@ home, if you’re not mad? V weird
>>8310 Around the city *
>>8365 >>8371 I can’t help that someone called the cops because they’re scared of me. All I did was open try to open a door to let people know I was invited there to pick someone up, and when I came back she had also asked for me to come. Again lots of big mouth scrotum soakers talk a big game, but see someone pull up outside and call the police … buncha snitch ass pussies. As for my family, once again I ask you to say who you are and not be so anonymous if you can bring up someone’s children. I’ll happily split your cock gobbler wife the fuck open and anyone else who wants the smoke. Biggggg fuckin talk all around but nobody ever says somethin to my face. It’s easy to talk shit with a glas jaw over the internet when you don’t know who’s talkin. Fuckin coward ass spineless trash
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Fernandes twins?
>>8495 Brit has an of
Anymore of Heather
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I do have a lot.. do you know her? She usually walks her dog around Kennedy park
You’re talking shit to girls, you’re the coward spineless trash. Don’t get mad Meg was fucking someone better the entire time
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get in boys for assess to statewins gg/agxYVRkKbq having trouble add me on ghostyapp danny_cn69
last name rhymes with gates whose got em
>>8699 I 2nd that request
@8596 post more
Tori S has been asking for money on her socials. She could be worth hitting up
Any Cassie C? Rhymes with (osta
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Worked at planetfitness
What does the first name rhyme with
what’s her first name rhyme with?
>>8699 what’s the first name sound like?
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>>7583 Enjoy my friends
Sierra dubs?
Gotta see more of that planet fitness girl
Any wins for that fat slob Melinda. Works at tequila lime? I wouldn’t fuck but I’d nut on them tits
Some of the chicks that work at cosmopolitan ain't bad
It looks like that planet fitness girl is squirting taking anal. I gotta see more of her
Chelsblaze23 Chelsea f ???
Melinda’s a bomb fuck, probably better then whatever junkie slam pig you are making laugh with your little dick
Chelsea will let you do anything for the right price
No Melinda is average at best trust me I’ve had it many times she’s a dead fuck
She’s not a dead fuck trust me, you just don’t know what you’re doing
>>9412 You must be Melinda
<<8889 anymore of that chick taking anal
Any Shannon corre*a. She’s been with mad dudes
>>9328 I’ll put up the vid if anyone post Teyla giving head or getting fucked
God that vid looks fire please give a few more screenshots at least lol I ain’t even from the area she just hit as fuck
you know her?
I don’t lol just looks like a hot ass video I’m not from the area
>>9447 I’ll post the rest if anyone post teyla getting fucking or giving head
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Shan C
Anyone know a faith she worked at bridgewater state hospital nice ass any wins ?
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Who’s got Ashley m or Kelsey P
>>9789 Doing Ashley moniz dirty lmfao
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Any Jessica P wins
I am legend… both Saj s0n@l@ and Taj s0n@l@
Oh duck yea bump AM
Where they @
Teyla s got vids of her throatin bbc and squirting from getting her back blown out
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Nice pornhub screenshot.. weak ass incels yall are weird
Where is that from? @9925
9940 Says swipe up for more thats a screenshot from twitter
Really wish I didnt have to go on a fuckin scavenger hunt to find this stuff
Whoever posted s@j and T@j pls post more uncensored pls
>>8989 Any more Heather?
>>9964 i have it you have the yellow ghost app?
>>9982 Yes of course
If people start dropping real wins in here , teyla S , or chelsea C or kendal S .. I’ll drop major wins no one drops I’m not dropping , drop what you have , that’s that
>>8508 Any video? I knew her when she lived in Taunton
Any Rebecca shoe-in-nard
what’s your user i’ll bless you with her squirting vids rn
>>10070 U say u knew her? Did u fuck her? She's easy
I have Fall River wins snap me stoner4life1993
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Drop the squirt vids I’ll drop this facial
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Any wins
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>>10203 When he had an amazing bush
>>10180 Are you referring to Rebecca post?
Keep em coming boys I’ll keep dropping
Whos got leah L ? Massive Thot , cheats on legit every single one of her Bfs, cheats on her new bf Stanley too
>>10218 Who is that??
>>10203 Nah, never fucked her. Knew she was dirty even back then. Nice to see what I passed on though. Any videos?
>>10261 How did u know? Heard she fucked a lot of guys or something? Would love to hear them
>>10262 She was a mutual acquaintance. Before I met her, I’d heard stories about her. Met some of her friends that confirmed those stories. One was a friend she was living with. She was fucking the friend’s brother.
>>10264 Interesting, when was this lol? Before she had kids I'm guessing
sn@p me for wins i have plenty. noone2023970
Any wins of this hoe
Still hope someone drops that anal vid. The squirting and facial sound hot too
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From tiverton but got around
Who has wins of b. 0l1v1era
>>10270 Yeah, she was roughly 18-19 at the time
>>10304 She still does, her baby daddy had me fuck her once so he could lick out the cum when I finished. Used to lie to him all the time n come fuck me
Got any fuck vids of her? >>10319
Anyone have T F@R1@$
Any one have @shley Turn3r?
>>10319 You gotta have some vids of her
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Any Rebecca?
I got some ashley turner what you got in return. Any fallon gonsalv
>>10507 I have nothing but please please share
Any of the girls from straight shoot3rs
Has to be more Melinda she got her tits all out at st James my boy got her number easy last week
Wouldn’t mind some L3sli3 >>10611
Bless us with ash tuner
Any one have Brittney Fernandes. Rionrio slutfans. She's fine as hell.
She have anything out there? O.F or sells on the side?
Pic didn’t upload
Rionrio is her o.f I'm not asking anyone to buy her o.f just wondering if anybody had pics of her already.
>>10620 You got a hard on for her don’t ya
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Gotta be some out there
Gotta be more of Savannah B
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Anyone have anything on Arianna? Heard she moved to Florida
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>>10835 This Arianna?
Anyone have more from nicole L page from her slutfans before she deleted? I got plenty to share if good somerset/swansea gets dropped
Any on Skylar T from somerset??
Yeah her sexy thick ass .....would definitely love to see more....I'm definitely sure they're out there
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I need ash t
>>10822 >>10860 You are a god amongst men
>>10291 bump
>>10817 Heard she’s easy
Every girl is easy bro, you just don’t got it like that. Some guys fuck who they want, other guys ask for pics and fuck what they can
>>10839 yes please share Somerset wins
Why’s heather f facebook
>>11078 No Facebook ya pleb
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Anytime have anything on her
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Got a bunch of somerset / swansea if people start sharing I’ll keep going
>>4181 So does a T sirois bj vid exist or nah?
I need ash t please
So no one has falyn m? Figured she sold
>>11244 got any more SBRHS class 15 girls?
>>11244 any Priscilla S? Or Ashley W? Or Bryanne?
Dm on the green soccer ball Justforfun88800
>>11594 who ya got?
>>11598 A lot. Reach out and you'll get my list
o.f is trash don't buy
>>11663 Who Is it? Cherrybanxx?
No rionrio. Don't buy. Trust
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Any know this chick fro FR. She’s got a slutfans says she from Fallriver I’ve gotten a few videos off her kinda pricey but not bad.
More HF vids!
Any c0urtney c@bral?
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Anything on Kendall S
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>>11768 Who's that
Any Nicole a from st jam3s
I got Nicole. Nothing great
Should post it
>>11691 What’s her OF I might have a shit ton of vids
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Somerset Fall River Teyla and gill??
Anything on Thais h*rney, Durfee 2018. Works at the dart*outh mall
Bump for Nicole a
>>11847 @Spunky1515
Looking for some Kerri Jone.....s......ik they're out there
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Looking for some Kerri Jone s
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Anyone have anything for genesis f10res
Anything for Amaya C
>>11933 Damn who u trying to see for more of her?
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Someone has them
I have a bating video of Kerri jnes I'll post it if a video of jenn r bating gets posted
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Anyone have Mikayla Jason
Bump. Still holding out for those falyn m wins lol someone has them. She’s got nice titties and a huge ass.
Anyone have jade monteiro
Any Sabrina D(enise)? Their out there
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This chick says she’s from the river but idk for sure. She has some fire ass videos tho. She fucks her puss with a hairbrush and all.
What is Lori t last name I might have a shit ton on her
Anyone have Savann@h t3x. Saw one on other board hoping someone has more
>>12446 Dude is taking pics and Posting in other cities, running the OF and acting like a girl, don't be fooled
Bump more Harley she's a smokeshow
Any videos someone be a God >>12508
Where is the Lauren L wins at?
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Any Mac Mel? She a 10
User Banned - Read The Rules
>>13219 I agree, someone needs to be a hero and get more
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Charl3ne tramp fns - bratbanksx
