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724-Fayette county Anonymous 03/15/2023 (Wed) 14:05:26 No. 2499
Need some 2016 AGHS wins
Looking for $hannon C I heard she has stuff.
Any wins of Emily Libertino?
Any uniontown?
**** Sh@non for j@yme fr3y or b!illie $utton
I don't have those wins****rry I wish I did.
If you have anything please consider dropping. I can't offer anything. I would forever be grateful and believe in karma for your goodwill.
Bumping and hoping for Shannon C drops.Or her sister
Any Uniontown trampfans **** that you guys are aware of?
Bump for Shannon C
Anyone got @shley koles@r? Heard they were on reddit but can't find them
Bumping for Shannon C pics thanks
(1.36 MB 1080x1920 Screenshot_20170920-223733.png)
Any uniontown?
Bumping for Billi3 $utton or Jayme Fr3y
Any of Alaur@ r@zel?
(1.10 MB 1290x1267 1690717193751.jpeg)
any Miranda t
d@mit@ ?
Bump for Mir@anda T
>>3776 bumping
H@nnah Trump?
>>3156 anymore of her
If you little bitches can share stuff from the list below that I don't have, I'll share stuff from that same list that you don't have. I threw in some free info as a gesture of good faith and fat loads. br33 d@nl3y s@r@h K3r3st3s (current OF is peaches_00) M@r1ss@ Trilllllllli (Active OF is followmnow) H@yley @nd3r30n / (m@rk0ff now) ((I also want this the most)) erica st3vens0n m@ria Lee (OF was ex0rcist666) m@ddie b@c1ak K@it McM@nu5 Jul1@ann D@ws0n @m@nd@ D@w50n K@tie G0v1@ (OF was ktkayyy) Br00ke R@1ble (OF was arabellafyre) M1r@nd@ R@nd5 (did porn as Alessia Luna) 1vy 53p35y 5ydn33y M0rg@n K@rr@ Fl@gg (OF was kayarahhhann) S@mmy Shr@d3r
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>>4542 as another gesture of good faith, and cause everyone complains that noone shares, here's some stuff from my list. while not all of it is nakey pants, its at least arousing. I hope that you fine examples of society will also share with me some of the things on my list. bonus info for 3m1l13 c@lc@gny - current OF is tana_waters, she has a gigantic clit, but kind of a bitch. shes the blonde in white bikini
Find me on green K appThing for AG wins
Please does anybody have any Shannon C she is so,hot and have had a crush on her for years!!
We can tell, you’ve been going hard for her every week for a damn year
Nobody has Shannon c so shut the fuck up about it please
>>4544 who is the chick in the first picture?
>>4633 this here is m1r@nd@ R@nd3. Aka, Alessia Luna. She did some work for team skeet, give it a google. she has a stupid kid now, but still hot af, and has even bigger mommy milkers on top of that silicone she's been rocking. I don't recommend her OF unless you want custom content and/or like meaty pussy, which I do.
>>4604 >>4597 hey man, I support this dude wanting to see shannon naked. I want to too. And just for you, im gonna take a look to see if I have anything. all NN sadly, but the tease is 49.9% of the fun
>>4659 if any of you fuckwits are still in hs, start maybe telling your buddies that you jack off with about *Redacted*, word will slowly spread. always been jealous about the other areas that get massive threads with tons of win. meanwhile, here in good ol bvfuckina with some of the hottest chicks, we have stingy little pencil dicks hoarding their shit instead of being some cool mothafuckas. Ill share some (sadly, clothed) m@dd13 B@c1@(KKK) for you youngins next who're trying to nostalgia fap please stop letting me be the only shitbag sharing.
>>4661 threw some bonuses in too. also, just so those few of you with a girlfriend know, she makes herself cum every night while you sleep. random musings: top, and i mean top, top scientists say, that men think about sex 50% more than women. this is simply not true. women are easily 1000% more sexual than men. outfits = thoughts about looking good = being attractive = attractive = sex. staying fit = staying attractive = sex. the fact that any clothing store you walk into is 98% women's clothing = sex. panties = sex. guys get ugly fuckin boxers though. cause we think about sex so much and want to look sexy, we wear things with a literal ballsack and ass pouch. try on your girls panties. that's what i'm getting at here. they feel better, and look better. they're stretchy, don't be scared your massive 32" peen won't fit. I dare you. report back in if you get a boner.
Anyone have s@m k3ff3r
Any holly higg, newer ones???
>>4675 share something
>>4722 share something
Caileigh 3agles OF?
So are we all in agreement that the dude who keeps posting big post is absolutely bat shit crazy? Dude needs to relax and go talk to some women in person instead of posting long, monotonous posts that no one gives a fuck about.
>>4732 You know, though I agree with you to a point, at least he is posting. That said, we need some more going on in here. Get some goodies in here and I’ll drop m1ch@3l@ b3ny@k ;)
i have c@llie cunn1ngham, emily c0ltus, ari@ cellur@le, f@ith firest0ne, and jenn@ j0y all from cville. if you have any cville wins and wanna trade dm on k app marzzzz16
>>4785 bump
Post an @ria photo if you don’t mind bro
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>>4792 @ria
>>4785 bump
>>4729 bump that of name
anybody have g@bby sheff1er from greensburg
You should post up that Jenna Joy too
Ill post all connellsville i got, but i want other people to post connellsville wins if they have them too
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>> 4794 heres the rest of ari@
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>>4732 I may be bat shit crazy, however, I am at least posting things instead of whining about some bat shit crazy anon while NOT posting anything.
>>473>>4732 >>4823 and bc this dude had to whine like a bitch and make me feel sad. i shall share no more :(
Let’s get some Belle Vernon girls in here. They’re slutty as shit and hot as fuck.
>>4824 Bro you got daws0n’s pics? I’d be down to swap some baddies for them
if anybody else has more connellsvile wins, i would love to see them
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Emily coltus
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love emily. i got more of her too
Anyone have Kyl31gh B0yd or lindz r3n33 would greatly appreciate it
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macy mcmaster from connellsville
Anyone have the a$Hley thurby pics?
Any Caileigh 3agle?
anybody have stuff of reag@n d@lly? or any of the d@lly sisters for that matter?
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heres caileigh eagle
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Anyone have Liza B from Belle Vernon?
>>4854 bump for the dally’s
any s@lly
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looking for wins of any of these girls if anyone has them. all from connellsville
>>4831 can we please have some more sir?
HarryPeter412 on green K app for AG wins
Anyone have the Johnson sisters from Connellsville?
>>4948 i would love to see hunters massive tits
Any J@n3ll3 c00per went to LH?
let’s get this thread fired up again
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anyone have chick on the right? She is from Belle Vernon, has a huge ass.
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Anyone have lindzz r3n33 please
Or M1Sty S3p3r
Kelsea falcone from belle vernon? Somebody has those tits
Any $helby trump
Anyone have Rachel Frazier?
Nah I wish
I'd love to see some Rachel Frazier as well
Need some Julia oravets
Need some Lindzz R3n33 please
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pic a name and ill post the nudes
sarah brown, abbey stepanic, jenna henry, jordan sanzone
>>5522 JHenry! Sbrown please
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I would love to see more connellsville girls posted here too. dont want to be the only one sharing
*Redacted*s https :// xcuayo4 .de/i nvite/ i=162 38
>>5522 callie
emily coltus
>>5522 callie
any S@lly S
Does anyone have linds@y @rvin or know her fetlife username?
i’ve already posted callie and emily in this thread
Any cville class of 2020?
>>5631 class of 2021 would be nice too
anybody have reagan dally and kendall bryner from cville?
Kira Benton
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Any G@bby Synder from cville?
anyone have mary kate lape from cville? i wanna see her tits so bad
Anyone with any of the 3ngle sisters from LH
Any wins Sarah L@yton cville?
Anyone have Kay/le Hug o from waynesburg
Anyone with Juli@ 0ravets wins?
>>4774 >>4774 >>4774 Please 🙏
>>4863 Need more of her
post some fayette sluts
post up fayette sluts
Anyone have m1r@nda h0sfelt?
anything on Miranda blackstone/Martray?
S@die C. Or Nichole c?
