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Boards Archived March 2024 The Previous Archive is located by Clicking Here
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Boards Archived March 2024 The Previous Archive is located by Clicking Here
The Previous Archive is located by Clicking Here


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Our Premium 3 TB archives cover all the sluts posted since 2010 to 2025 you will not be disappointed
that is a lot of sluts exposing it all check out if she was once a slut or still a slut? 😉





Our Premium 3 TB archives cover all the sluts posted since 2010 to 2025 you will not be disappointed that is a lot of sluts exposing it all check out if she was once a slut or still a slut? 😉

/penn/ - i’ll get it started bbw that works at nikki’s

/penn/ - Pennsylvania

Password (For file deletion.)

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 No.3525[Last 50 Posts]

i’ll get it started bbw that works at nikki’s


whose that?


Name please?


Gamma0003 **** on the 3 letter green and white app.


Anyone know who this is??


amos ljenkens22 i got some goods


Lmao y’all some weird fucks wondering about the name then dropping k i k and **** names just post here 🤦🏼‍♂️


Still waiting to find out who this is… lol


any maddy go****ey and p sure her name is tara she lives in new ken


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Kayla Shannon


Bump for shaylnn
Fuckin udders



What do ya have to **** for Shaylynn




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Anything of this chick? She's on plenty of things but has a fat ass plus her deadbeat probably whores her out


The crimson chin has ass.
Butterface bitch, no


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Anyone have any of S. Geppert




Why are you so thirsty. No one has any


Taylor Kntz?


Anymore Kayla?


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Angelena A


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Andrea m


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@amber m


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Andrea m


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Anyone have Tori G€€r? Went to Apollo


Andrea was a good fuck that girl knows how to ride dick and I've never had a girl who orgasms like her


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Anyone have Tori g££r? Went to Apollo


Any Morgan W from apollo


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Bump for morgan


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Amber h@rm@n any1?


Bump for Joan Y u n g


any Savannah @llsh0use


Or Summer


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Bump on KT. She has some hots ones out there.


Any morhac sisters? Ariel Sonya or mara?


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Apollo twins @ndrea &@mber m


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Apollo twins @ndrea m


Anyone got t@ylor w@tterson?


Kiski 2015-2017?






Bump for 08/12


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Kayla T


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Morgan W
Bump for this




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Dana H. Bump for more Morgan W!


Bumpppp, need Morgan


Bumpppppp. Morgan


@ndrea m apollo


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@ndrea m apollo


Fuckin gross^^^


Kelly ****?


Haylie Franks old or new


I fucked andrea when she was probably 18 she was a good fuck tho


Waiting on Morgan


H@ley @ltmire


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S@v Coffman. Looking for em t@la Rico or Giav0nna sp@gnola


Looking for MILF n@talie z@bro*


Any Keisha z from saltsburg


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When I fucked andrea that bitch squirted like crazy


Anymore Dana?


Anyone have T@ylor Kuntz or Vic Cotter? I’ll drop what I have of Amber H@rm@n if we can get some new wins


Lol doesn't andrea work at tucks pizza in apollo


just post em fag


Bump for life


Hanna sadecky?


classes of 05 to '10 anyone


K3lly M@c?


@utumn @!tes??


Any Sherri Held


Any other sluts that worked at Nikki’s? I would cut of my right arm for some Christina Nacey


Anyone know H Rigatti?


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any bri s big fake tits?


any 1 have sh3lby b@zelia?


Anyone have sam deem


I remember this chick! hooked up with her back in like 2006 right after meeting her fucked her in the park


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Yeah but who's the better fuck a n dream or amber?


Dylan S, Vandy
Tall AF, thicc af


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KELSaY Plusquell3c


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Kelly m


File: 1726840551074.png (7.73 MB, 1290x2796, IMG_7774.png) ImgOps Google

Any J0rd@n King out there?


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Damie Lorenz


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K@yla T


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Dakota Kanas


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C Reed

Looking for autumn aites


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Mcmu@n twins


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k@it h@ll any one have sc0ut


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Mari@ M@arindola


Any rosie ro_co??


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Anyone got c3lest phillip$?


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More C reed, whoever posted the other one, do you have more!?


Anyone got Leighann3 wr1ght or Samanth4 Crav3ner


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Andrea mcm_nn apollo 09


Kri$ti is@@c?


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@NDREA MCMU_N apollo class of 2009


Bro she’s nasty no body wants to see her lol


Amber Harman plz?


Anyone got Leighann3 wr1ght or Samanth4 Crav3ner


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Brandy f?


Any @nnie @ltmire?


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andrea m apollo


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andrea m


Dude you’re literally the only person on the planet that cares to see her, and you’ve been obsessively posting on every board for years. Give it a break.


More Andrea!


@nnie @ltmire (Cruz)


Anymore Dakota?


Any Christina Nacey


Anyone got Leighann3 wr1ght or Samanth4 Crav3ner genuienly so down bad for them


File: 1734810172859.png (150.88 KB, 189x518, Screenshot 2024-12-12 4.50….png) ImgOps Google

@ndrea m class 09 apollo


File: 1734810648464.png (264.44 KB, 304x768, Screenshot 2024-12-12 4.52….png) ImgOps Google

andrea m twin apollo 09 still tryna post 5 min video of her fucking herself in shower with dildo but cant post here can send private if any1 interested lmk


@ mk10.5 i sent andrea your pic, she said " shed never been with a black man but she would be, and text me back saying get me a pic,and you know what they say the bigger the better" and asked if we would both fuck her or just you she wants two


@mk10.5 she just text me these pics pof her and her bf they literally just took lol….. and said "at mall with bf" tell u "she wants you tonight she wants me to meet her then we meet you around 9ish if that is good she said "telling bf going christmas shopping he wanna fuck too lol ima fuck him after i get back im so fuckin wet i never had 3 dicks in one day, black dick, 2 ar once, or one nearly that big" she text me


Weirdos. We all know the loser obsessively posting Andrea is also pretending to big the nigg now. Talking back and forth to yourself


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@mk10.5 she just sent me these said had to go sneak and take a pic to show you how wet she is lol "dont knosw if i can take 3 dicks tonight" she asked how big u r?


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cant post to here but heres the **** to one of the videos makin her cum


andrea cums hard af


andrea cums


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some pics from other night of us fukin her


What's Andr3as SC


The other day, and you’re taking these photos on an iPhone 3? That Taco Bell cashier salary ain’t cutting it.


Any Hal3y Usk0?


More Andrea!


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T@ylor Kntz


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T@ylor Kntz


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Arielle Mohorcic


Anyone got Aleasia Chambers? Or any of her sisters?


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Anyone got Leighann3 wr1ght or Samanth4 Crav3ner


Any Kiski classes of 2021-2024 I have m1r@nd@ W.


More taykun!!!


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J@d3n Kn3pp


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J@d3n Kn3pp


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J@d3n Kn3pp


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Hannah Gentile


Anyone have any Steph Geppert?


I saw like 40 on SW but now the **** seems down


>>10549 there are none


More Hannah Gentile


Any Chelsea C?


Who's got more Dekota K wins


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Hannah Gentile


Any more of Ariel M.


Any Nikki Carlson/Bertino?


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Any liv kov, cheered at IUP and is now a 👩🏻‍🏫?


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Any Zoe Kutch, best friends with liv kov… also went to IUP and cheered


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L@ura Cindr1c anyone here know her irl?


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L@ura Cindr1c anyone here know her irl?


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L@ura Cindr1c anyone here know her irl?


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L@ura Cindr1c anyone here know her irl?


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L@ura Cindr1c anyone here know her irl?


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L@ura Cindr1c anyone here know her irl?


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File: 1736471154218-5.jpeg (190.04 KB, 1242x2208, IMG_6942.jpeg) ImgOps Google

L@ura Cindr1c anyone here know her irl?


Any more Andrea???


Any more Arielle Mohorcic?


File: 1736605197832.jpeg (243.38 KB, 826x2011, IMG_7340.jpeg) ImgOps Google

Thick busty young mom from near ford city em!ly


File: 1736605470829.jpeg (195.65 KB, 960x1792, IMG_7324.jpeg) ImgOps Google



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File: 1736606124981.jpeg (331.15 KB, 1284x2778, IMG_7236.jpeg) ImgOps Google

I’m jealous but she looks taken care of


File: 1736606299827.jpeg (115.17 KB, 484x922, IMG_7361.jpeg) ImgOps Google



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File: 1736608920787.jpeg (1.54 MB, 2677x3830, IMG_4669.jpeg) ImgOps Google

Not sure who leaked these but
Em!ly cu!!um ford city area


Who’s the busty beauty at the very top?


Anymore shaylynn??


Tell me there is more of her. Vids?


Bump for Laura C


File: 1737333773542-0.png (850.02 KB, 1080x1657, Screenshot_20250119-175006.png) ImgOps Google

Kenz! Johnson


Anyone have Amber Harman


BUMP I know someone gotta have these


Anyone have Abby R


is k!tty lilj@ a real person? if so any wins? shes like 26 i think


File: 1738200184429.jpg (177.12 KB, 720x1270, StephNicely6.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Steph Nicely


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Steph Nicely


Aislinn nicley?


Any1 got something? Heard she sends out..


File: 1738518235524-0.jpg (309.09 KB, 1102x2080, KendraL1.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

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Kendra Lutheran


Bump Steph


T0ri $oulch3ck?


anything exist of ash dunm1re, jan3ssa young, or lacee m0ran?


Any t@ylor w@tters0n?


File: 1739322744313-0.jpg (185.89 KB, 902x1202, Taylor24.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

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File: 1739322744313-2.jpg (317.57 KB, 3088x2316, 85FB15D6-2710-4D66-B275-47….jpg) ImgOps Exif Google



Such a good pussy


I have some of @livi@ k@ne if any wants to swap


Send them, I can send more girls from around her grade if u do.


File: 1740087130719.jpeg (157.53 KB, 720x1600, IMG_2293.jpeg) ImgOps Google


File: 1740087225565.jpeg (281.22 KB, 720x1600, IMG_2294.jpeg) ImgOps Google


What do you have send em I got more of others


Any N1kk1 Augu$t1ne?

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