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Boards Archived March 2024 The Previous Archive is located by Clicking Here
The Previous Archive is located by Clicking Here


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Boards Archived March 2024 The Previous Archive is located by Clicking Here
The Previous Archive is located by Clicking Here


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Our Premium 3 TB archives cover all the sluts posted since 2010 to 2024 you will not be disappointed
that is a lot of sluts exposing it all check out if she was once a slut or still a slut? 😉





Our Premium 3 TB archives cover all the sluts posted since 2010 to 2024 you will not be disappointed that is a lot of sluts exposing it all check out if she was once a slut or still a slut? 😉

/penn/ - Let's get the Butler County girls going. Butler, Karns City, Slip girls

/penn/ - Pennsylvania

Password (For file deletion.)

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 No.4855[Last 50 Posts]

Let's get the Butler County girls going. Butler, Karns City, Slip girls


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Anymore of her? Pr3s1 H


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K3nz mccl0sk3y


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Where the c@m wins at?


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Desiree fleming


Any of B H3ll3r? I'm sure there are some out there




Anyone got M. mcg1nn1s?


Please more kenz if you have any!


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All I got. I’m sure someone’s got some more


More pres or any teau


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she used to be fat & a whore.. now she's just a ugly whore who just got used a bunch.


Anyone got any manda da1l3y W's?


Looking for grace k1ute or yazmine fare wins!


Cassidy Clayple gotta be out there


Anyone have Annie cod, or sky den1st3n from butler


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Been looking FOREVER for Morg. m


Any Nikki or Alex slomers. Looking for butler classes 15-17




Who has nin@ grossi


D@ri@n G0ld?


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Asia B


kaylee atkinson?


If anyone wants to see K3nz McK1osk3y masturbation vid she’s selling them for $250 on her OF. lol


Can’t believe we can’t get any C@ss1dy C. Or Am3li@ T. wins on here.


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M. Mcg1nn1s


Bump for m mcg1nn1s


More m McGinnis


Looking for Bella Burka wins if anyone has any


Bump for M0RGAN M0RETTi. I Know someone HAS to have something.


More my@hhhh m


a!exis leech?


Am@nda D@il3y?


H@nn@h C, Mars. ofans hsunshineee6


Damn. Shits dead


Damn you are an enormous faggot


Any blake murrow??


Any L3ah W3iland?


Got J Banner for some good ones


File: 1719926302467-0.jpeg (923.86 KB, 1290x2018, IMG_7543.jpeg) ImgOps Google

L!5@ C3l3st1n


I need to see J Banner


Bro I’d pay for her! Been looking forever


Pr3$ H vids?


Love the lis@


Any OF names I’ll buy them


Vic duf had OF but took it down. Anyone got her?


Any br@ndi she1st@d, s@r@ streets, @ltm@m sisters, or cryst@ Lewis/heeter


Any mars or Knoch here?


>>5809 I wish. No one ever has knoch. Even if they do, they won't share unless you already have a lot to ****.


Lis@ O. F is B@bycheeks1990 but replace the @ with a


Looking for Morgan yobst and other oliva Critchlow wins. Lmk


Good luck w both - never saw or heard of any


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Any gods have Molly z


Any more destiny???



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Briena Dermond


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H@n watt3r$on


anyone know who the girl in the red is??


Underrated, any more of AB?


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Grace k


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Sam graham having old men take her pics lol


Has anyone ever bought Sam grahams fansly or paetron?


Any Taylor Tincha. Also looking for other grace wins!


Nope - never seemed worth
Post a pic to request


Any Ryl!e Fr@zer? Ol!v!@ Rumb@ugh? Kyr@ Ke11y?


Any Chels!e l0 tt


Post something to request you fucking scabs


Any Cheyenne Buck?


Any butler cheerleaders from 2015-2017? Annie Cod****ot, Chloe emanuele?


**** me for Chloe


Chrissy sadl3r


How many pics of Chloe you got?


File: 1722800955923.jpeg (1.69 MB, 1290x1633, IMG_1729.jpeg) ImgOps Google

Any1 have R0r1 ch4i3ty or 4v3ry c0vert? For **** I have m4cee j3an dal1on a milf from butler


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More m4cee, I also have h4nna cr3ss OF for R0r1


Any Tri$h L?


Any Cas3y Pu1aski?


Any Sh@yl@ N@gy?


File: 1722961217805.jpeg (1.01 MB, 780x1691, IMG_9160.jpeg) ImgOps Google

Veronique. Looking for Chloe emanuele wins if anyone has them?


Any other local butlerites have trampfams? Reply names I’ll see what I can get


backshotkenz is kenz mcclosky get her ppg its $100 for solo vid


Natalie bowser?


Braylynn Boarts?


This is a shot in the dark but what about haylee windenhofer wins?


dari@n j@ck, lex! h0pper


Where are you getting this Veronica? Is there a **** or somethin? She’s goat


Any ****k3nz1e Kopp?


any 1 have F0ntayne Fergus0n was T1rk. or @una h3nry was hub3r


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Juli3 rin3m3n


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V1cky h0rt


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Anyone have this slut


Any with face or proof?


Any Ca$ey Pu1aski?


Does anyone have any more briena dermondvideos from her of? Or anyone have saved videos from kapria.Celine?


What were the ****s?


Does anyone know if Jenna Birckbichler wins exist?


Anyone get Vic duf slutfans before deleted?


Any Becky hilf, or Brittany hunter?


Fuck yea more Juli3?


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Kaylee pre boob job


Any ell1e m3rtz?


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Anyone have McKenzie?


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Who's got this smoke show? Angel P
Believe she used to be a dancer


Anyone have @k@yd@ P? Used to have an OF but it's dead now


Any d@nielle Gro$$? She used to have a OF


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Anymore Katelyn ^ !


Any Kate b?




God damn. Who is this goddess? Any more? Any soc1als?


I have a lot more if other people post


Tr@d3? Have KK?(USER BANNED - KYS)


Any1 kno cate bentco? Went to my hs


What’s that? D1s****?(USER BANNED)


Any emm@ tom3i?


Any @LLy Mcg33?


g g - hhgKZm83


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I NEED to know if Jenna birchbickler wins exist


Any more Katelyn out there?


Soc1@ls or last name?


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Any more Morgan Taylor out there?


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Anyone got a wins of Kate b.3nk0 ? Went to my hs?


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Cassie bujak


File: 1725178173772-0.jpg (380.57 KB, 1079x768, Screenshot_20240829_235044….jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Any Amanda Lytle?


Or fucked Kate b.3nk0? Wanted to fuck her so bad


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Any m3g@n st3vick or sydn3y b0bbin


Any Chels!e l0 tt


Names would be great


Any Ren. Ee. G3!bel


Would love to see some more KC sluts!


Any1 fuck katie b3nc0? Have wins?


Any El@yna or L3igh@ Du$ter wins?


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Won’t let me post the vid


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Sh@lynn B. Anyone have any others of her?


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How do we see this vid


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Anyone have wins on Aly$$a? Worked at 3bs in zelie


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Any Kenz m. or @mand@ Dail3y?


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Anyone ever get snatch shots from k@yl@?


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What is Big ****k's OF? Also, the OF platinum_angel, what is her name? C@m?


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Dez Flem


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Mik@yl@ W


File: 1729216639991.jpeg (1.58 MB, 1284x1711, IMG_5529.jpeg) ImgOps Google

More of Cam, looking for more Shay B or maddi y0unge


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Got lots of Shay if anyone has more of her or any H0lly k££fer I’ll drop em all


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Fr33sia m


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Th3r3sa S3ib3rt


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Rachel V


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Who has more danika d?


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Dylan W


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What else you got of her


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You ever hit it? I know she loves dick


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You got more?


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Anymore of you 2 fucking?


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Kaylee k


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Lauren m


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More Lauren M


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Liz Hilli@ard


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J banner. Whoever posted Liz Hilliard plz post more of her or if you got the k app. I been looking for her


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S@brina edwards


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0livia recchia


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Kyr@ savrese


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Some more o recchia


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k3nz mccl0$ky


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more k3nz


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Aut BäķEř & ķLařA Wïlşon


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@v****řý çò7éřť class of 23, have more for more class of 20-23 butler or slippery rock. Bonus for Rúr1 Cħřïşțÿ.


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Also looking for butler wins of those years 20-23. Aleena Hutchens, by chance ? Do you have k app or dis ****?


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Got any more of that A Mill€r?


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Any more C1ařa? Or other class of 23? Here’s J****77ý R


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3mm@ w1ls0n. Looking for more of her sisters


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Kate, Aüt B**ķEř, çourt řazeř, ďäñieLL** Víñşķi…looking for more slip girls grad years 17-20 I have a shit ton more


Any Me1 schu!er? S@r@h mcd0n@ld? C€c€ h€nry?


Shannon heyl?


more d@niell Vinski


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Any Am@nd@ D?


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Only will post more if you stingy guys actually send stuff. I have the vid of Däñ if some one gets any pics of her sis ŁěX****


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Got more of D** V if anyone can find me pics of her sis Lex* I have the vid I’ll send


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Any Ash Cr1spen out there




Anyone have Mars or Knoch girls?


Any Freeport girls?


Does anyone have Morgan kiewall ? I wanna see her body


Anymore out there?


Any more d3stiny?


post OF for any in butler/knoch/mars etc - will buy and spread the wins in the spirit of Christmas


Si, or sess - post up since I get b a nd every time I try




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Brooke m@yn@rd from knoch


Any taylor shepard?




Who got more Liz Hilliard that was posted ! Would love to see more of her


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@lexis L€€Ch pics or stories?




Any lauren seybert


How are none of the 4 Ball sisters never on here


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any more k@yl33 @tkins0n


Anyone got more Jensen banner wins?


Anyone have Julia spell man


H0lt sisters?


Who has Samantha miller from karnscity 22 graduate will pay


Bump @k@yd@


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Anyone got d@leen p@ulsen?


Who's this?


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Looking for Sav S, Dani v, Faith B, Lex v, Corra S, Chy R, Sierra p, or Marlo h


Butler grads




any Karns city?


Hard to believe Foxy di from the coffee shop isnt on here. she has fuck vids out there somewhere


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Some good hope L to get KC moving. I have lots more of her and others. including the vids that the pics are from. now get posting lol


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more hope


That ain’t hope Lesner


Any T@nner fox Payne


every one of them is definitely hope. post something good and ill show you the a vid and youll see lol


someone has to have ash br3hm now mccre@ she got around


we need some T payne


Or her sister Alycia?


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Any Amanda pif


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Kind of looks like hope based off the tits but I'm not sold


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Just not sold


Them are old news


they are all hope. her sucking dick and gettiing fucked. and illl post the vids when some good kc shit happens lol


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Is there a way to ****
M Shuler’s


say what? and who is that?


What’s M Shuler’s OF?


yeah we need m shuler


S4rah mcd0nald, m shuler, j1ll morrow, k3nzi wy4nt, chl0e l34sher, li1y g3fert, m4di 4shbaugh, 3mma slaug, lexi t4ck


It’s deleted unfortunately


What was it?


Meg4n Whitm1re or Z0e King




Ali Altman


I have wanted Ali for years now


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Anyone got more vic duf ?


M shuler had an of?


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Any more Am@nda D?


Abby mahan




Need the hope vids


Anyone got Althea fazzino,Nadia konen,Emily andre,Mariah Phil****,Emma burd?


This thread hit is post limit I assume so probably need to make a new 2nd thread so that one will bump when post on.


Does anyone have any kr1st3n n0bl1t


Will you post hope l vid


Hope L video?


Posting hope vid will definitely revive this sub. Too many of us pulling all the weight here


Bumb for m shul3r


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Any J3nna H3itzenr@ter?


Any T&rr&h L


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More hope


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Does hope send thru s n a p or OF


Any T4ylor3 ba1r wins? Butler class of 22


Kristen Nob?


Need m shuler ‼️‼️


Come on boys this needs revamped….i posted some good shit in here ik yinz got sum..looking for slip girls got plenty of slip and butler


Post one of the hope l videos please


Bump r@chel v!das?


Bump r@chel v!das


Does anyone have Le@h Kurtz?


Do vids of hope exist?


Need some KC or Moniteau or ACV girls


Any m shul3r wins?

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